Professor Yuan Linwang and associate Professor Yu zhaoyuan attended the annual meeting of 2017 Chinese theory and method of geo-information science in Changsha, Hunan

The annual symposium on the theories and methods of geo-information science in China is the annual seminar of “Academic salon-style”, which is sponsored by the Working Committee on Theories and Methods of China’s Geographic Information Industry Association.This topic group Professor Yuan Linwang and Yu Zhaoyuan associate professor in November 17, 2017 ~ 19th in Hunan Changsha to participate in the 14th session China Geographical Information Science theory and method academic conference. The report of the General Assembly is divided into three types of guest reports, thematic reports and free reports.Professor Yuan Linwang invited the Conference to make a special keynote report on the theory and method of geometric algebra GIS construction. Yu zhaoyuan, an associate professor, was invited to be the convenor of the “model-structure-algorithm” study in GIS, and made a special report entitled “Expression and modeling of multi-constrained spatiotemporal dynamic networks based on geometric algebra”. The exchange of the academic conference makes the application advantage and development potential of geometric algebra in the field of GIS deeply rooted.

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